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Michaela Young
Oct 6, 20204 min read
Attachment theory: The key to understanding all relationships
You may have heard about the Circle of Security program which I am running, and wondered what is attachment theory, and why learn about...
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Michaela Young
Aug 6, 20203 min read
Gratitude vs. Acknowledgement: Is being grateful enough?
Gratitude seems to be all the rage at the moment. And with good reason! According to many studies in the field of positive psychology,...
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Michaela Young
Jul 23, 20204 min read
What are our feelings telling us and those around us?
Have you ever stopped to wonder, why do we have feelings? Do they benefit us in any way? Why is it that when we're sad, listening to sad...
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Michaela Young
Jul 18, 20204 min read
The Healthy Mind Platter: how to keep your brain healthy and functioning to its full potential.
If you follow neuroscience at all, then you may have heard of Dr. Dan Siegel. He revolutionised neuroscience, incorporating research into...
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Michaela Young
Jul 17, 20205 min read
Everybody Hurts, Sometimes. The Rollercoaster that has been 2020
“Let it rain on some days, Let yourself shiver on some cold nights, So when it's Spring you'll know why it was all worth going through.”...
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Michaela Young
Jul 14, 20204 min read
What are the benefits of seeing a psychologist?
Humans are social creatures. It's part of our evolution and our DNA and we can't avoid this. Although there are many ways to help...
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